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Raigho Stormy Cloud

A member registered Sep 12, 2021

Recent community posts

Stagnation was my first ending and it shocked me to the core.

After reading it, I probably just stared at a black screen for half an hour and tried to realize what had just happened. I felt dissonance and something inside me broke at that moment.


...I have a discord, but I never used it, actually.

Damn, that's cool!

However, I suppose it is difficult. So good luck with that~

Me? I'm just boring, heh

I haven't learned something new for a long time.

I just LOVE this novel!

Insanely funny, I literally hurt myself, trying to hold back my laughter so as not to wake anyone up in the middle of the night.

The dialogues are very well written, and the pauses make them livelier. Very high quality work. Very beautiful art style and pleasant animation, a huge number of characters' emotions. The characters themselves are very cute, adorable and catchy. The main character is incredibly cute~

It's just SO perfect!

I really look forward to the continuation of this incredible story~

So I'm curious, have you found something to do?

If not for the need to go to work, I would have done the same! Do Nothing. But I should have done something, like go to bed. Meh~

Otherwise, everything is fine, personally I'm waiting for Gil to appear publicly, heh

In the meantime, good night to you~

Hope you find something interesting to do now, heh

I just want to say that I am in love with this novel and all of its characters.

They are incredible.

The story is incredible.

The style is incredible.

The atmosphere is incredible.

And the protagonist is incredibly incredible!

Thank you so much for such an incredible adventure in Highwell~

Every day I come here, hoping to see the released update.

But I know it will be here sooner or later, I just have to wait.

I just hope Drakes is doing well.

You can't even imagine how grateful I am to you.

You just... saved me.

Thank you.

Hello everybody.

To begin with, I must say that I really like this visual novel, it immerses me in its story, forcing for a long time after reading to walk gloomier than a cloud and think about what is happening in this mansion, who is behind all these deaths and how they can be avoided.

I especially liked the main character, he is a very sweet, kind guy, and I really want to hug him and do everything to make him feel good.


But lately, I have not been able to follow the continuation of the story, because I have encountered an extremely nasty problem, because of which almost all the text in the novel looks distorted, and when I try to change something in the settings, it simply throws me out of the VN. I missed a couple of updates, but after installing the last one, I ran into this problem.

I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what I can do about this and if I can do anything at all.

Perhaps someone else had something like this, but I searched on various forums and did not see anything like it.

In fact, this problem has appeared in some other novels with the latest updates.